innogy GAS STORAGE, Tvrdonice, Třanovice, Dolní Dunajovice, Lobodice
Underground gas storage
In cooperation with Czech representatives of EMERSON Process Management, we completely modernized the control system of an underground gas storage. We have utilized our experience of and knowledge in the DCS system DeltaV. The contract was completed in one year.
Universal granulation lines and ammonium nitrate
We were involved in programming for a line in the chemical industry. After an incorporation into the DCS system DeltaV, we became an integral part of the software team. Completing this contract was very demanding, the majority of testing took place on-site and it took approximately 1 year.
Code testing and validation for poliovaccine production
For our long-term customer EMERSON Process Management, we, together with technological company VOGELBUSCH with base in Vienna, participated in final validation and testing source code in the Delta V program for controlling batch recipes for polio vaccine production.
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